What Is derivative? (Part - 1)
What Is derivative? (Part - 1) Derivative is a simple thing. It’s just the difference of a variable. But how? Think of time, let a person started a journey towards bus stand at time t1 = 3 and reached at t2 = 7. In this case the derivative dt = t2-t1 = 7-3 = 4. Easy! But in real life things are not that easy. Because we have do derive the difference of a variable with respect to another variable unlike our time example where there was only one variable. For example we can see the equation y = x. Here we have to find the difference in y with respect to the change in variable x. In other word we have to find the derivative of y with respect to x which is dy/dx. Fortunately for us this is very easy. Pretty easy right. But we are going to prove it so that we can use the same theory to prove more complex derivatives. So we are going to plot this function into graph. Let’s find some value of x and values of y for the respective value of x below. ...