LINEAR ALGEBRA (Part-5) - Linear Dependence


Linear Dependence


It is a scalar number used to multiply a variable.
Like 6z means 6 times z, and "z" is a variable, so 6 is a coefficient.

Linear Combination

If we take a set of matrices then multiply each of them by a scalar/coefficient and add all of them together then the resultant matrix is a linear combination of the set of matrices.
Note that all the matrices involved in a linear combination need to have the same dimension (otherwise matrix addition would not be possible).
Let's consider n number of matrices A1,A2,......,An. all has same dimensions.
Lets also consider n scalars/coefficients α12,......,αn
So, linear combination B will be B = α1A1 + α2A2 + ...... + αnAn
Let's see few ways of calculation linear Combination / coefficients.

Way 1

Holding the equation, B = α1A1 + α2A2 + ...... + αnAn.
We consider n=2, α1=2, α2=-1 and
A1 = [  
A2 = [  
Here, α1A1 and α2A2 will be
α1A1 =   [     [      [   
 2 2 =  2❌0 2❌2 =  0 4
     11    2❌1 2❌1    2 2
        ]      ]   
α2A2 =   [            [   
 -1 3 =  -1❌3 -1❌0 =  -3 0
        -1❌1 -1❌1    -1 -1
   ]            ]   
So, B = α1A1 + α2A2 will be
B =[      [      [      [   
  0 4   -3 0 =  0-3 4-0 =  -3 4
  2 2    -1 -1    2-1 2-1    1 1
 ]      ]      ]      ]   

Way 2

Holding the equation, B = α1A1 + α2A2 + ...... + αnAn.
We consider n=3, A1 = [0 1 2], A2 = [1 0 -1], A3 = [1 0 0] and B = [1 1 1]
Here, α1A1, α2A2 and α3A3 will be
α1A1 = α1 ❌ [0 1 2] = [0 α11]
α2A2 = α2 ❌ [1 0 -1] = [α2 0 -α2]
α3A3 = α3 ❌ [1 0 0] = [α3 0 0]
So, B = α1A1 + α2A2 + α3A3 will be,
B = [0 α11] + [α2 0 -α2] + [α3 0 0]
B = [0+α23 α1+0+0 2α12+0] = [α23 α112]
as B=[1 1 1] so we get, B=[1 1 1]=[α23 α112]
Putting α1 = 1 in 2α12 = 1 we get,
2❌1-α2 = 1
α2 = 2-1 = 1
Putting α2 = 1 in α23=1 we get,
1+α3 = 1
α3 = 1-1 = 0
So the coefficients α1 = 1,α2 = 1 and α3 = 0.

Way 3

Holding the equation, B = α1A1 + α2A2 + ...... + αnAn.
We consider n=3, A1 = [1 1 1], A2 = [1 1 1], A3 = [1 1 1] and B = [3 3 3]
Here, α1A1, α2A2 and α3A3 will be
α1A1 = α1 ❌ [1 1 1] = [α1 α1 α1]
α2A2 = α2 ❌ [1 1 1] = [α2 α2 α2]
α3A3 = α3 ❌ [1 1 1] = [α3 α3 α3]
So, B = α1A1 + α2A2 + α3A3 will be,
B = [α1 α1 α1] + [α2 α2 α2] + [α3 α3 α3]
B = [α123 α123 α123]
as B=[3 3 3] so we get, B=[3 3 3] = [α123 α123 α123]
α123 = 3
α123 = 3
α123 = 3
Here the coefficients can be many different values Like,
α1 = 1, α2 = 1 and α3 = 1
α1 = 1, α2 = 0 and α3 = 2
α1 = 0, α2 = 0 and α3 = 3
α1 = 2, α2 = 1 and α3 = 0
etc. etc.

Linear Dependence

Let V = { A1, A2, ... ,An} be a collection of vectors. If n > 2 and at least one of the vectors in V can be written as a linear combination of the others, then V is said to be linearly dependent otherwise linearly independent.


It’s the Set of all the linear combinations of a number vectors.


1) Deep Learning (Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville)






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What Is derivative? (Part - 1)

LINEAR ALGEBRA (Part-1) - Scalars, Vectors, Matrices and Tensors